Sunday, July 2, 2023

Blog Post #10:Living in the Age of AI

Throughout the course of history, innovation, and advancement has both positive effects as well as unintended negative consequences. In the age of artificial intelligence, as a society, we are beginning to experience the effects of these innovations. Artificial intelligence has the ability to improve efficiency in almost all aspects of life. Many proponents of AI and machine learning point out that these technologies can replace mundane tasks and allow people to focus on jobs that people are passionate about. The downside is that jobs are being lost, and training people for “AI safe” jobs is extremely expensive. (A Brief History of AI)



In the area of privacy, as pointed out in the video, as much as we are using Google, Google is using us. The current technology provides businesses with the capability to predict individual behaviors, wants, and needs. The positive side is that through the use of technology and data collection companies can market specifically to an individual. Instead of guessing what a person may or may not want, it almost becomes a guarantee that our needs are met. The downside is that companies and industries can manipulate people. For example, Facebook conducted “experiments” where they attempted to get more people to vote. In the end, over 350,000 people, who typically would not vote, went out to vote. Facebook also sold data to a company that utilized the information for Brexit and the 2016 U.S. Presidential election. If technology has the ability to manipulate the masses for the benefit of one, it can be extremely dangerous.


Technology and artificial intelligence are also being used for national security purposes. China has incorporated these technologies to ensure control over its people. For example, there is a Muslim-populated area of China where the government has used AI to track and monitor many of its citizens. Additionally, China is working with governments in Venezuela and parts of Africa to sell them technology and assist in incorporating practices to keep control over the masses. While many initially believed the technology would connect the world and provide a more democratic society, these governments are doing the opposite. It is being used to control the masses. 


Online security and identity theft have been an issue since the inception of online technology. Criminals are extremely savvy in using these advances for evil rather than good. Data breaches and individual hacks put people’s personal information at risk. There have been numerous instances that companies have experienced this. The stolen data is then used for the benefit of individuals who do not have the best intentions. Furthermore, foreign agencies also hack into our government’s systems, creating a matter of national concern.   Unfortunately, the cyber security industry is ever-growing. Companies and our government are working around the clock to protect our infrastructure and citizens.


As with everything, artificial intelligence and technological advances help society move forward and evolve. Technology has the ability to make our lives easier, but there is a downside. Jobs may be lost; governments can use it to track citizens and other nations can infiltrate our systems. Society will benefit immensely if technology is used for good and not evil. 

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